• FYI,  Lifestyle,  Uncategorized

    The Biggest Danger of Shopping Clearance/Specials/Going Out of Business Sales

    The “it’ll be gone next time” dilemma. I recently bought a couple of things, not huge ticket items but between it all I had spent a little over $100, I had found some items on clearance, and wanted to make sure I got them. I quickly returned most of it, I still have a few items sitting around to decide on, but I realized the deal was half the reason I was buying them. Now don’t get me wrong clearance is still valuable, and I would’ve used the stuff, but what I (and my Mother) remind myself of is that there will always be more deals. They’re will always be…

  • Uncategorized

    A Cheery Cherry Story

    This post is written as a part of a job application, enjoy! Here’s the story, of a healthy fruit. That makes for a very lovely threat That has tons of protein, carbs, and fiber And antioxidants. It’s the story of a fruit with options. And a flavor that really packs a punch. From jams, to pies, to bread, to smoothies. And so much more. And on days when this bright fruit gets picked up from the shelf People take it home and enjoy it’s benefits Eating, baking, blending, and enjoying These are the reasons you should pick a cherry bunch! I like cherries, and of course, there’s sometimes bad one’s…

  • Be Inspired

    What Are You Waiting For?

    During all this stress fairly normal questions are coming up including: if I’ve been saving something for a random “rainy day or “special occasion” should I use it? There are 2 primary schools of thought to go with this. 1: “I’ll save this for a unnamed special occassion in the future, I don’t know when’s it’s coming but today is just a ‘normal day”. 2: “We’re saving that bottle of champagne for my sibling’s graduation this spring, oh, and that chocolate is for the 30th day in quarantine.” See the difference? So, if you’re not saving something for a specific event/occurance consider using the good towels and dishes, eating the…

  • Work

    Month 9 at a StartUp

    I wrote a post about week 9 at a startup so it seemed like it was about time to write again. Mind you I’m now in the middle of my ninth month, but I wanted to write about what I’ve been up to. For instance, in the past months, I’ve participated in a number of company events, weekly D2 meetings, and countless call crushes with my colleagues. This is what we call a time where we go through a list we’ve previously put together and call down the list of numbers – essentially. I’ve called hundreds and hundreds of people. I’ll admit it’s a lot, but I keep at it.…

  • Uncategorized

    Thanking God for His Patience

    How Patient has God had to have been with you? and how much more patient will He continued to be? I realized this the other day when I was praying about some things I was waiting on. From housing to my previous job search to other things. It dawned on me that God has had to have had a lot of patience with my choices, desires, and actions. So what does this mean? It means that even though we wait a lot for things in our lives to work out not only is God working things out in the background for his good, He also has patience for us. God…

  • Adventures,  Family,  Uncategorized

    Merry Christmas! – My Digital Christmas Card

    I hope this letter finds you all well, and enjoying celebrating Christ’s birth with loved ones. I had a busy year myself and I realized it was time for me to start some of my own traditions. Namely writing a letter – but since I already have a spot to write here I thought I would just send my Christmas greetings from here. Outside of swing dancing throughout the year, getting in some great pick up hockey and writing here’s what’s been happening this year. I started off this year early in the morning and went on a solo trip to LA on the 1st and stayed there until the…

  • Family,  Politics,  Swing Dance

    An Honorable Welcome

    This past Saturday my whole family went to the airport to pick up my grandpa from the airport. He finally got the chance to participate in Honor Flight Twin Cities. It’s a one day trip for World War II, Korean, and Vietnam veterans to see the memorials that are in Washington DC in their honor. Many of my family members went to the airport last weekend to welcome him home from the trip. It was a wonderful evening with fun surprises! And what a trip it was! My grandpa, and my great-uncle, who accompanied him on the trip, flew out of the airport at 6:00 in the morning. They got…

  • Be Inspired,  Christianity

    The Actual Reason People are Scared of Changes

    because often change means a loss. A ton has changed in the past year. If you’ve read any of my other posts. You know the full story of that. I’ve also learned that I’ve been fortunate to experience some fun changes and that the fact that they’ve been happy changes has been part of what makes them easier to handle. After talking with the rest of the youth group leadership team at my church, I realized why the changes have been relatively easy for me – because there hasn’t been much loss; and I am so grateful for that. Change is tough, especially when it means a loss that you…

  • Uncategorized

    I Accidently Tried a Food Subscription Box, Heres What Happened

    One of my coworkers had been ordering one of those boxes, where they send you about 95% of the ingredients as well as all the instructions. A couple of weeks ago she found another on her desk, but immediately mentioned how it didn’t fit her new eating regimen. She was trying to get rid of it so I asked her if I could help, I then mentioned that I’d be happy to take it if she’d let me and so I got the food in the work freezer and the next day or so I took it home. Well, I got it home got the ingredients packed into my fridge…

  • FYI,  Lifestyle,  Uncategorized

    A Different Kind of Seasonal Shopping

    I realized late-summer that I needed to invest in quality sandals, good thing too – as prices were just going down. I’ve known for a while to shop for various items out of season. From picking up new fall boots in November to finding a swimsuit in mid-July. There are somethings you can totally get away with buying at the end of the season. About a month ago, I found new sandals at REI, I only recently got my membership and realized it could be a good time to pick up their somewhat-overpriced sandals – while they were on clearance. I was right. The trick is to not be bothered…