
Thanking God for His Patience

How Patient has God had to have been with you?

and how much more patient will He continued to be?

I realized this the other day when I was praying about some things I was waiting on. From housing to my previous job search to other things. It dawned on me that God has had to have had a lot of patience with my choices, desires, and actions.

So what does this mean?

It means that even though we wait a lot for things in our lives to work out not only is God working things out in the background for his good, He also has patience for us.

God has had to be patient with my decision to trust Him, He has had to be very patient as I search for the truth, especially in times I’ve had my doubts with my faith. He has had to be patient with my mistakes and He has waited a long time for me to ask for forgiveness in some cases, and praise be to Him that He will always continue to be.

I have finally moved, and I finally paid off all my loans. This took a lot of patience to accomplish but I know God’s been in every part of it.

God is perfect. He is perfect in his patience, love, forgiveness – everything. Period. He has done no wrong can do no wrong, will do now wrong.

I pray that I and everyone else reading this will thank God for His patience yesterday, today and always, and prayerfully consider praying for patience in their own life, in this new year, decade, and for the rest of their life.

unsplash-logoSonja Langford