• Be Inspired,  Christianity

    The Actual Reason People are Scared of Changes

    because often change means a loss. A ton has changed in the past year. If you’ve read any of my other posts. You know the full story of that. I’ve also learned that I’ve been fortunate to experience some fun changes and that the fact that they’ve been happy changes has been part of what makes them easier to handle. After talking with the rest of the youth group leadership team at my church, I realized why the changes have been relatively easy for me – because there hasn’t been much loss; and I am so grateful for that. Change is tough, especially when it means a loss that you…

  • Uncategorized

    I Accidently Tried a Food Subscription Box, Heres What Happened

    One of my coworkers had been ordering one of those boxes, where they send you about 95% of the ingredients as well as all the instructions. A couple of weeks ago she found another on her desk, but immediately mentioned how it didn’t fit her new eating regimen. She was trying to get rid of it so I asked her if I could help, I then mentioned that I’d be happy to take it if she’d let me and so I got the food in the work freezer and the next day or so I took it home. Well, I got it home got the ingredients packed into my fridge…

  • FYI,  Lifestyle,  Uncategorized

    A Different Kind of Seasonal Shopping

    I realized late-summer that I needed to invest in quality sandals, good thing too – as prices were just going down. I’ve known for a while to shop for various items out of season. From picking up new fall boots in November to finding a swimsuit in mid-July. There are somethings you can totally get away with buying at the end of the season. About a month ago, I found new sandals at REI, I only recently got my membership and realized it could be a good time to pick up their somewhat-overpriced sandals – while they were on clearance. I was right. The trick is to not be bothered…

  • Uncategorized

    All Squared Away

    I tried a new form of dancing this past weekend: square dancing! I went to “barn dance” with some friends from church, and within a few minutes of arriving we overheard that it would be primarily square dancing, I was a bit daunted by this new style, and admittedly waiting for a swing dance portion to the evening, but the square dancing turned out to be super fun! To be honest, I hadn’t known what square dancing really involved before, that or I didn’t remember if I had learned it previously learned in middle school or something. I had never realized what it took to square dance: eight people who…