• Christianity

    It’s Gonna Cost You

    At church on Sunday the pastor spoke on how we often “sell” the perks of Christianity while sometimes skimming over the cost. We have to ensure that we tell people that trusting in Christ is hard, that it’s not the easiest path, and that we may lose out on things because of our decision to follow Christ from friends, to pleasure, to opportunity, by trusting Christ we put that all in God’s hands. We have to be Christ followers not fans, that is we have to be all in for Christ, as Christians.

  • Christianity,  Uncategorized

    Sunday School

    I grew up going to Sunday school at church, literally from birth. I still go but now my class is full of adults. I still love it though, small group lessons, with people that I can fellowship with after class and then head to the service hour with. What’s unfortunate is that I don’t think many churches do this anymore. Between researching other churches and attending them sporadically to see what they’re all about I found in interesting to see that although there are churches with great services, and well run small group ministries, there’s not as much adult fellowship on Sundays in some cases because there’s not really any…

  • Uncategorized

    Seemingly Impossible

    Sometimes there’s practical solutions to seemingly impossible things. I’m a fan of Disney movies, and it seems like so many of them have a character that suggests doing the impossible, I thought this was cheesy until I recently realized there’s sometimes practical cases of accomplishing the seemingly impossible, plus there’s even a Bible verse about it (just be aware of the context). You see using a different perspective could be all it takes to solve a problem or searching for a solution where you didn’t expect it. It kind of boils down to doing a bit of problem solving, but doing the impossible sounds like more fun.

  • Be Inspired

    Love On Others

    I decided to drive over to my alma mater today, they were hosting a fun speaker in chapel, and I have the day off, so I figured why not? Who was the speaker you ask? Bob Goff. He has more energy than me I think (!). He talked about just loving on people, not their actions per se, but as he put it: “the person under the hat”. He talked about how even the hat he was wearing was about loving on someone he cared about. He spoke on loving those who are different than you. He then brought up his wife and mentioned that she is very introverted, he…

  • FYI

    Take Every Thought Captive

    Write things down, start a journal, tell Siri to make a note, make a video with the ideas you have, take a screenshot, or type out thoughts in the notes app on your phone, you could even tell Google to remind you when you wake up…and then write it down. Do whatever you need to do to make sure you don’t lose ideas! To be honest I’ve done all of the above at one point. Even if you look back on these privately captured ideas, and not all of them are great it shouldn’t keep you from writing everything down. If you take every idea captive you can get a…

  • Swing Dance

    Extra! Extra! Dance Is What It’s All About

    Today I got the chance to be an extra on a movie set that was filming in my area. It was just an event one of my friends found on Facebook. I don’t know much about the film except they wanted 1940s swing dancing in the film – my specialty. The film is set in the 1940s at a dance hall so the filmmakers made an event on Facebook calling for extras that would are dancers. I only had a partial day of work so I decided why not show up? It’s nothing particularly fancy from what I can tell but it’s still going to be a great film, plus…

  • Uncategorized

    It’s Not Yours, but You Need to Be a Good Steward of it

    In church, on Sunday the pastor spoke on rethinking how we see our lives He was mostly talking about how our lives are not our own, they belong to God. Everything from our livlihoods, or possessions, even our bodies and what we do with every resource God has entrusted us with in the end, belong to Him. That being said God has entrusted us with everything he has given us from our bank accounts to our jobs, we need to do our best, most honest work in order to be good stewards. We need to pursue God and trust the direction he has in our lives, even when it’s not…

  • Uncategorized

    How Fitting

    People working together are often like puzzle pieces, they all look different, but somehow it all fits, I won’t take the analogy far but it’s interesting to think about. I might have different opinions than someone else, but if we can find the way we work together we can be part of crafting a beautiful puzzle…er, world.

  • Uncategorized

    Looks Like Church

    I tried a new church today. The first thing I noticed was I suddenly realized that the one I decided on this morning was one of the places that had all the people my age that aren’t at my home church. That and I’d never driven downtown on a Sunday morning to my memory. Neither of these things were bad, in fact it made for a new and fresh experience. Although it was ridiculously different, it was quite nice. First off it was in a rented space, an event center that is. We sat in chairs like I’ve seen at fancy weddings instead of pews. Secondly, there were like 4…

  • Fun,  Philosophy

    Choose Carefully

    I need to choose joy more often, I need to see the good in more. I also need to celebrate the good more, from the big to the small. I need to share in the joy of others more, especially friend’s and family member’s. There are always times when you need other emotions but I think it’s easier to choose negative ones more than we should.