
  • Learning,  Praxis

    The World is Moving Faster Than Ever Before

    I like moving fast, and talking fast, and thinking fast, I have a lot energy and it fits my personality. Patience is hard for me but as I’m still here in Minnesota patiently anticipating which job God will put me in. Praxis has been ahead of the education curve, helping kids avoid debts, and degrees they don’t really need. The world is all of a sudden turning away from degrees, and I’ve witnessed it, and been a part of it, I’m excited to see where education will move next. My family jokes about going to the “University of YouTube” to learn something, plus there are tons of sites with paid…

  • Christianity,  Learning

    Two Layers of Trust

    I want to trust God in everything, I really do, I want to leave everything up to him but recently I found myself telling my Mom: “I am okay with doing whatever God wants me to do, but if he could just tell me what it will be that would be great.” When I said this I realized how much trust I have yet to give to God. I’m so ready to do what he wants but I’m still very much working on trusting him with the unknowns This really goes back to my impatience as well. It’s hard for me to just be waiting to see which way God…

  • Learning

    Learning Styles

    I love music, but I also appreciate and learn a lot from a good powerpoint. Lectures can sometimes be nice, but often group work brings its own value. Writing ideas out, or having a kinesthetic experience can often help solidify ideas as well. There are many ways to learn and that doesn’t mean you just fit in one box or another, it means that listening to a song could help you understand one, thing, but a video clip could make another aspect more clear, maybe you need to read the original source though, just to make sure you didn’t mishear/misinterpret something. Oh, and don’t forget you might want to write…

  • Be Inspired,  Fun,  Learning

    Energy and Me

    Anyone who knows me knows I have tons of energy its part of the inspiration for a lot of what I do, from swing dancing to travel, to youth group and other things. What I’ve realized lately is that not only is my energy about being physically active it’s about my thoughts and just how quick and busy my brain is. This isn’t meant to be a humble brag, it’s about understanding that I sometimes get overwhelmed by what’s going on in my head and how much I can have going on at a given moment. I love spending my energy, by trying new things, and thinking out loud and…

  • FYI,  Learning,  Philosophy

    Talk To Others How You Want to Be Spoken To

    You’ve heard treat others how you want to be treated, and that is still as true as ever but today I want to add another layer. You see more recently I’ve spent a lot of time talking with those much younger and much older than me. I volunteer in youth group with high school and middle schoolers, but I also worked at a school staffed mostly by adults over 30 for a half year, and I enjoy meeting and talking with others from every generation in general. The thing is I kept my speech pretty consistent, I do my best to respect every person I spoke with. I’ll admit my…

  • FYI,  Learning,  Philosophy

    Hello, My Name Is ___

    Names are powerful. ‘To any person, their name is the most beautiful world in the English language.’ (paraphrased, Dale Carnegie). I try my best to learn and use people’s names as I hear and read them. I’ll admit that names also make it way easier to connect with people. If you know their name people are more likely to turn to you, it’s just human nature. You’ll draw more people in if you mention them by name. Don’t believe me, think about how frustrating it is to hear your name pronounced wrong or see it spelled wrong, or have someone not remember your name that you thought you knew! It’s…

  • Learning,  Philosophy,  Praxis

    Creating Value

    Creating content is one thing, creating value, on the other hand, is a whole other level. If you’re ever on YouTube or really any social media site, you’ll see “creators”, or “influencers” all over and the content they’ve created.  Sometimes that “content” isn’t actually very valuable, and I try my hardest not to watch those videos, or look into those posts, because if they’re not valuable, suspicion has it they’ll be a waste of my time.  I have been developing a lot of projects for Praxis opportunities lately. I’ve learned a lot about not just doing work for rubrics, but instead doing work that is actually helpful to a given business. …

  • Learning

    Learning Takes Time

    Sometimes I forget that certain lessons have taken me awhile to learn and that sometimes others still have yet to learn a lesson.  I have learned a lot in my life, but I don’t have all the answers. Often I forget about how God not only has his perfect timing for me, my learning, but others as well. It sounds almost obvious, but I’m trying to remind myself that others often will learn things in time and that often even when I was told something for the first time it was sometimes hard to grasp.  That is to say that I need to give others grace for their mistakes and…

  • Christianity,  Learning

    Make the Best of It

    I want to move and everyone around me knows it. This is mostly due to the fact that I tend to bring it up when people as what I’m up to. I’ve been making projects to get placed and I know that God has something great in store and that my advisors are vouching for me as well. But, as long as I’m still in New Brighton, Minnesota I’m going to #makethebestofit So I know people usually talk about making the most of a bad situation, but I think there’s value in seeing what you can glean from the good ones too. From acknowledging them in the first place to…

  • Learning

    Coded Thoughts

    I actually first tried my hand at coding in 8th grade. I was invited, along with 20 other girls, including one of my best friends, from my school to go to a tech business for a “Geek Girls” or girls in science event. We got to spend the day doing different tech activities, meeting those who worked at the business, and having lunch at the business, pretty cool for a middle schooler.  One of the things I distinctly remember was building the most basic of codes for the most basic of apps. My friend and I programmed a cartoon cat to “meow” when clicked through the apps interface. For a girl who’s…