
Making Plans in 2019

It can be tricky.

At the same time though, it’s easier. There are so many tools for planning events, and there are more ways to communicate than ever. So why is it so hard?

Well in many cases no one had to commit until the last possible moment. There are so many things going on in the world that more people know about than ever, leading to a lot of FOMO (fear of missing out). I can sometimes be guilty of this.

I try to make plans ahead of time, but it can be hard. Trying to line up schedules and decide on an activity, food, and transportation that everyone will like and can afford.

Another thing that makes planning hard is no new phenomenon to my knowledge. It’s the question of “are you going?”. People often want a close friend with them in a social situation or to be there for them. I think I’ actually pretty good at being social without knowing others in a group as well, but that’s somewhat of an extrovert thing. Sometimes though an extrovert needs to pull an introverted friend out of their comfort zone in a helpful way. I do enjoy having at least one acquaintance at an event, in many cases.

I went out to eat with some of my coworkers this evening and it was a lot of fun. They were so kind the whole evening and were appreciative of my ability to keep up with a whole group of people that I’ve known for only three weeks of work and even some of their friends that I’d never met before. It was fun to get to know them better, and because we all like the company we work for we even talked a bit about work in a helpful way. Mind you that this evening did not come together perfectly, there was the question of where would we go, when, who was coming along, and trying to find a place to go that was easy for everyone to get to, but most everything worked out together in the end.

But with tools like Uber, Paypal, and easy to use messaging apps as a whole its easier than ever to share rides, costs, restaurant bills, and work out plans from a distance. So go and put together an event for some friends whether it’s a group from work, a group you go to church with or perhaps a whole mix of people, after all, it’s only a click away.