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    What makes an idea remarkable? That’s the question posed by Seth Godin in his book Purple Cow. He starts by saying that a purple cow would be remarkable! He’s right, no one has ever seen a purple cow before, and you wouldn’t even have to use much marketing on it because it would market itself to a large extent. He argues that marketing is more than just about considering the normal “P”s of marketing, that is, pricing, promotion, placement, publicity, among others, it’s about the new “P” – Purple Cow. Godin, also uses real-life examples of remarkable ideas in his book. Allow me to explain a few. Take the Case…

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    Making Plans in 2019

    It can be tricky. At the same time though, it’s easier. There are so many tools for planning events, and there are more ways to communicate than ever. So why is it so hard? Well in many cases no one had to commit until the last possible moment. There are so many things going on in the world that more people know about than ever, leading to a lot of FOMO (fear of missing out). I can sometimes be guilty of this. I try to make plans ahead of time, but it can be hard. Trying to line up schedules and decide on an activity, food, and transportation that everyone…