• Christianity

    Avoiding the Lure

    I heard a sermon from Francis Chan the other evening. It was all about comparing temptation to God’s plan for us. It was a really compelling message, and it reminded me of some important things about my relationship with God. God loves us so much. Francis, during the sermon, mentioned how we are not only God’s beloved children that he loves, we, as the church are also the bride of Christ. Francis likened sin to cheating on that marriage. I had never heard this comparison, but I thought it was good for the most part. It was a good challenge to think that that’s how poorly sin affects us. It…

  • Adventures

    A Treat for the Season

    I love water skiing, even though I quickly became scared of it when I was little. After a little encouragement and an alternative method for trying came about and worked, I got up. My Mom is a terrific skier, even after two years of not getting behind a boat, and even though she’s not 20 anymore she can still get up within a few tries and drop a ski within 10 seconds like its no big deal. Every time she’s up she’s grinning ear to ear, I honestly love watching her ski, because the joy is so contagious. My Dad is also good, I will also add! I think seeing…