Philosophy,  Politics

I Voted.

Check. Donezo. Got ‘er done. Complete. I already voted a couple of weeks ago. Politics are important to me, it’s the science of influence after all. I voted early because I knew who I wanted to vote for, and I didn’t want to worry about a line on election day, because that’s youth group night. 

Voting is something I grew up being a part of. As a homeschooler my mom would take her with us when she went. Plus I got a sticker anyway. In addition, during lunch prep she would turn on talk radio, so that was something else I was aware of. Lastly, she got us involved with a campaign or two. I’m also very grateful that politics at holidays were never something to be afraid of, we all encouraged each other and talked civilly, albeit with some shared complaints. Politics are a big part of our society and something that I see value in being informed about. 

Today, at 22 I can say I’ve voted in every election I’ve been able to legally vote for, from presidential to primaries. I will admit that I haven’t voted for every seat, namely judges, I find these hard to find good information for, but I’m working on this, and improved my participation on my latest ballot. 

So I know most everyones heard it before but I wanted to contribute my experience to the conversation. Voted. It’s a privileged. Your right as an American citizen, and something that helps you learn a lot about society along the way. 

So please do your research to be well informed on the candidates, and just do it.  That being said let me know if you’d like to know about the candidates (in Minnesota), I’d love to help you learn. @katherineglader