• Philosophy

    Changing the World One Mind at a Time.

    I learned a lot at FEEcon this past weekend, and although I won’t be able to repeat all of it, here are some more thoughts.  At one of the breakout seminars, I heard from Yaron Brock, who talked about freedom, economics, and truth. Although I don’t agree with him on everything, I still enjoyed the seminar. I really appreciated him talking about how we are freer than ever. Within that same vein, though, economists can’t measure happiness and that sometimes throws off our counting for freedom, success, and exchange. To give an example: Say you pay for an amusement park ticket, and you have a personal account you give your…

  • Adventures,  Be Inspired,  Creativity,  Lifestyle,  Philosophy,  Uncategorized

    Don’t stop with awesome, keep going.

    I learned a lot at FEEcon this past weekend, and although I won’t be able to repeat all of it, here are some more thoughts. One of my favorite speakers was Dewitt Jones, a National Geographic photographer who did his first film project at 23 and has traveled the globe grabbing wonderful shots and learning about his skills along the way. See his website here: https://dewittjones.com/ (all quotes in this post are from Jones’) I want to share some of what he shared during his keynote presentation and add some of my own analysis. “Don’t be competitive with anyone else, you have your own set of skills.” (paraphrased). Understand that…