
  • Fun


    I just got home from a short trip to North Carolina, it was great, on the plane ride home, I sat next to someone from Texas, it was a just a connecting flight, but enough time to have a nice conversation about the places we both live, and even a little bit about church. What’s funny though, to me as a Minnesotan is that when I talk about our Twin Cities, I usually end up mentioning the skyways, and forget that not many cities actually have this feature. Maybe you don’t know what I’m talking about either, allow me to explain. I tell people from around the country that Minnesota…

  • Fun

    The Mega Mall

    In Minnesota we have a lot of cool outdoor spaces, but sometimes it gets too cold for even us Minnesota natives. So in the 90s, we built a mall with a couple of roller coasters in it, and an aquarium, and theatres – and called it the Mall of America, or MOA if you’re around here…or mega mall if you’re my family. Since then it’s gained more roller coasters, a flying simulator, a go-kart racing track, a hotel, and umpteen stores. I know what you’re thinking, its just a mall, with some extra amenities. Well, you’re about half right. There’s a little more to it. For those of us who…

  • Be Inspired,  Fun,  Learning

    Energy and Me

    Anyone who knows me knows I have tons of energy its part of the inspiration for a lot of what I do, from swing dancing to travel, to youth group and other things. What I’ve realized lately is that not only is my energy about being physically active it’s about my thoughts and just how quick and busy my brain is. This isn’t meant to be a humble brag, it’s about understanding that I sometimes get overwhelmed by what’s going on in my head and how much I can have going on at a given moment. I love spending my energy, by trying new things, and thinking out loud and…

  • Adventures,  Fun

    A Traveler’s Notes

    I just got back from Northern Minnesota yesterday. It’s the umpteenth trip I’ve taken there, but it reminded me of a couple of important things to remember while traveling. It’s one thing to visit it’s another to live. I’ve mentioned it before but I’ve lived in a tourist destination. That being said when you are looking for a place to live don’t make whether its a famous destination or not affect your decision too much. So at the end of your trip know that its okay to miss the place you’ve been, but that there is probably drawbacks to living at the place your visiting. Plan out more than you’ll…

  • Fun

    Phrase of the Moment

    Over the last couple years I’ve noticed that I tend to pick up unique phrases, wear them out for a while and move on. By doing this I often have a built in conversation starter, and I build my vocabulary a little bit as well, not to mention other’s.  Sometimes these phrases are from times gone by, I remember I had a week or two when I said groovy a lot. That or I’ve found a phrase that just tends to not come up in everyday speech as much, like intriguing. Another phrase was a Minnesota-ism, heck-uva-deal* that was one I just had fun with. Huzzah was a recent one…

  • Adventures,  Fun,  FYI,  Uncategorized

    A Tale of Two Cars

    I’ve been driving cars since shortly after I got my permit at age 15. I bought my first car from my parents at age 18. I bought my second car about a year ago now when I was 21. Cars have always been my primary mode of transportation between errands with my mom, trips to my grandparents, and family road trips. So, find joy in the journey down the road.  My first car was actually my parents’ car first. It was a 1998 Saturn SL1. They bought it used from a Saturn dealer when I was about 9 or 10. We took trips to grandparents but its notable adventures were…

  • Adventures,  Fun

    The Road to Emmaus is 55 MPH

    I made a wonderful friend at camp while counseling. The bad news was we lived four hours away from each other. The good news is calling is easy. So for over a year we’ve been calling and texting. Plus, this past summer I was happy to get to her wedding.  We had been trying to find other times to hang out and now its finally happened.  So here’s to a wonderful weekend with my favorite Iowa native So what’s Emmaus you ask? Emmaus Bible College is the Plymouth brethren school in the town of Dubuque where my friend now lives with her husband. It’s named after a verse in the…

  • Fun,  FYI

    Style Counts

    I admittedly have a lot of clothes and shoes. I had my biggest growth spurt sophomore year of high school, so I haven’t grown out of much since. I believe that if you see value in a piece and the potential of wearing it, and that you have reason to believe you’ll actually wear it you can keep it, but there are exceptions. I have a lot of shoes, and I keep them nice, but I like getting new styles, so I don’t see a reason to get rid of them unless I don’t want to wear them anymore. That being said I have a shoe for every Minnesota season,…

  • Fun

    Musically Speaking

    I’ve always had music to be listening to, whether it was in my movies and tv shows, and my parents CDs when I was little. As I grew up I started buying CDs my friends recommended and a portable CD player to go with it. Come middle school I was just discovering pop music at school dances. Then in college, I started listening to a far more diverse set of tunes such as rock, alternative, and soundtracks, plus big band entered my listening world. So what does this music mean to me? Listen in quick. Growing up kids tunes and contemporary Christian music are at the forefront of my memory with…

  • Adventures,  Fun

    The Last Time

    Last night I drove past a hotel that my grandparents have stayed in for a while visiting my family and my cousins/aunts/uncles. It reminded me of the tradition we had of hanging out as a family at the hotel pool because my aunt worked there. It sounds funny, but we all really enjoyed hanging out there on various weekend evenings. We’d play pool games, race each other, and then jump in the hot tub when we got too cold. But then I was reminded that one time we left for the evening and haven’t returned since, and it might not work out to happen again. It made me think of…