
Fellowship for a Movie Night

A Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Movie Review

I just watched the first Lord of the Rings movie for the first time. It was good, but it was also very long. Holy moly, so long. But I digress.

I appreciate how impressive the cinematography is and how impressive the acting and storyline are. Though I’ll admit it was hard to follow at times.

I especially enjoyed learning where some famous memes and quotes came from. That was probably the most fun for me. From “One does not simply…”, to “You shall not pass!”, there are a lot of famous moments in the first movie alone, so I’m happy I now know the source and context of these quotes.

I plan to watch the other two movies in the next two weeks, but to be honest I’m happy to have a break first. They’re long movies.

I hope to enjoy the story as a whole though, and I’m curious to see where it goes.