
Fickle or Faithful

Jesus plus anything else is not the gospel.

We can’t turn the gospel into some personalized thing, otherwise, it ceases to be God’s word – it turns into our’s instead.

This is what my pastor talked about this morning. In addition to mentioning that Jesus demands our unquestioned devotion. This does not mean we will never have doubts; instead it means that we can’t personalize the gospel to allow for our human weaknesses, we have to pick up our cross daily and acknowledge there are things that we may want that we essentially can’t have because of our relationship with Christ, but if we truly want to follow Him we need to understand His rules and ways are what is best for us.

Don’t think you can personalize the gospel even though you must have a personal faith in Jesus to have a relationship with him in addition to salvation through Him. You have to accept the free gift of salvation that God has presented in His word.