• Creativity

    The Value in the Original

    I’ve been looking around Instagram quite a bit lately, it’s partially just for fun, partially research, I’m trying to figure out what makes people like/follow an account. Originality has value across the board. There is a ton of editing that goes into Instagram, there’s almost nothing Instant about it, honestly. Is editing fun, pretty, and eye-catching, yes. Is editing also somewhat misleading, untruthful, and fake, also, yes. I do it myself, It makes a feed look nicer and makes for a better image overall. The thing is, I think we need to find more value in the original, especially when it’s about God’s creation. God called his creation good from…

  • Christianity,  Learning

    Two Layers of Trust

    I want to trust God in everything, I really do, I want to leave everything up to him but recently I found myself telling my Mom: “I am okay with doing whatever God wants me to do, but if he could just tell me what it will be that would be great.” When I said this I realized how much trust I have yet to give to God. I’m so ready to do what he wants but I’m still very much working on trusting him with the unknowns This really goes back to my impatience as well. It’s hard for me to just be waiting to see which way God…

  • Uncategorized

    What Makes It Quality

    There are so many brands that have low quality but there are also a ton that claim to have high quality. What’s interesting is the amount of brands that claim to have the highest quality, obviously, this has a lot to do with marketing, but some brands to go above and beyond. Plus not everyone can have the highest quality unless they’ve found their niche. Value. It’s something I’ve learned a lot about creating myself at Praxis. What’s interesting to consider is how other businesses view and create value. Any business can say they have high quality stuff, but only a few prove it, either by having genuine reasons and/or…

  • Uncategorized

    The Worst Sometimes Brings Out the Best

    Good old Minnesota got dumped in numerous inches of white fluffy stuff this morning. Oddly enough my morning commute to work wasn’t absolutely atrocious. It also reminded me of other snow storms and how much grace, and kindness is poured out on days like today. I remember back in college my first year driving to school, my car was having trouble getting up the hill, suddenly one of my neighbors had walked from his driveway to my car, and just gave it a push, while I was on the gas. I got going within 30 seconds, and I made it to school fine that day. On other snowy mornings, my…

  • Adventures,  Christianity

    Consume Responsibly

    I’m on a church retreat with the high school youth group I volunteer with as a leader, we’re staying at a camp in the middle of Minnesota, we call the retreat Snow Camp and our theme this year is “consume responsibly”. It’s based on a candy land theme, where we’re talking about how we can be responsible Christians. Friday night a student spoke about responsibility in relationships and how we as Christian’s need to build each other up in our relationships. On Saturday another spoke, about our responsibility to tell the truth, he spoke about good examples, and how truth affects our lives. For Snow Camp we have teams every…

  • Adventures

    Snow Camp

    : noun, /snō/-/kamp/, a ridiculously fun activity for high schoolers in the GracePoint youth group, filled with snow, ice, chapel sessions, awesome conversations, and other crazy fun antics This weekend I’m at snow camp with my church, GracepPoint, senior high ministries. It’s a yearly event with tons of traditions, from the polar plunge to the black light dodge ball, and sliding across the ice playing broomball. Tubing is also a fun part of the weekend, we hike up a giant hill and sail down the cavern. After that? Well we put on our swimsuits and like true Minnesotans dunk in the lake and then hide out in a sauna on…

  • Creativity,  Praxis

    CV You Later

    While at university I learned a ton about resumes, even after university I would go back to the career center for help…with my resume, a basic piece of paper that mentioned great things, but wasn’t as thought-provoking as I wanted it to be. Because of Praxis, I’ve learned so much about how to pitch my skills to employers and provide true value, beyond just my credentials alone. I’ve learned how to be a better employee once I get a role, how to maximize what I can accomplish and what not. So how do we do it in Praxis? Well, first off, click here if you want to apply. Anyway I’ll…

  • Learning

    Learning Styles

    I love music, but I also appreciate and learn a lot from a good powerpoint. Lectures can sometimes be nice, but often group work brings its own value. Writing ideas out, or having a kinesthetic experience can often help solidify ideas as well. There are many ways to learn and that doesn’t mean you just fit in one box or another, it means that listening to a song could help you understand one, thing, but a video clip could make another aspect more clear, maybe you need to read the original source though, just to make sure you didn’t mishear/misinterpret something. Oh, and don’t forget you might want to write…

  • Uncategorized

    Order of Operations

    I was recently talking to one of my senior high students, and we got talking about prioritizing church. He mentioned that he wanted to go on the youth group trip happening soon here but also wanted to make his sports match. He then confessed that he had realized he wasn’t prioritizing church enough, and I told him I was happy that he was able to process all of that for himself and tell me about it. He then said something to the effect of: the order of operations goes church(Christ that is), family, school, sports. We talked through it some more and I told him the group would be glad…

  • Be Inspired,  Christianity,  Philosophy

    A Physicist and An Athlete

    I watched The Theory of Everything last night with a friend of mine, it was available on Netflix, and looked interesting. Stephen Hawking was a very good physicist, but the movie left me feeling uninspired, but reminded me of someone who leaves me feeling inspired. If you’ve been reading my blog for a long time, you would’ve read about my grandparents, who are all amazing people. My Grandpa Glader has been confined to a wheelchair for about 10 years, but the number of people he has inspired through his life, and his continual trust of God even while sitting in a wheelchair is amazing and inspiring. You see, we may…