The Road to Emmaus is 55 MPH
I made a wonderful friend at camp while counseling. The bad news was we lived four hours away from each other. The good news is calling is easy. So for over a year we’ve been calling and texting. Plus, this past summer I was happy to get to her wedding. We had been trying to find other times to hang out and now its finally happened. So here’s to a wonderful weekend with my favorite Iowa native
So what’s Emmaus you ask?
Emmaus Bible College is the Plymouth brethren school in the town of Dubuque where my friend now lives with her husband. It’s named after a verse in the Bible. That is to say that the drive was peculiar in that it goes through small towns windy, hilly roads, and, as I mentioned, is only 55 mph, so it’s slow going. We met at the Plymouth brethren camp I had grown up going to, and her husband went to the same school my mom went to so from the beginning we knew we’d have a number of things in common, what was a wonderful surprise was just how much – from deeply held ideas, and values to similar interests and passions. I believe we’ll be friends forever.
What’s more important though is that I made it to Dubuque, and even more importantly to my friend’s home. I love visiting my friend’s homes in general, so I was happy to be given a short “tour” from my friend upon arrival, and meet her husband again. My friend has already been so wonderfully hospitable as well, so thanks Katelyn. 🙂
Today (and tomorrow) we’ll be exploring the town, and enjoying picking up where we left off since our phone calls and late night chats at camp. #gladerindubuque #gladerwithbackes