
  • Praxis,  Uncategorized,  Work

    Always Think Professionally

    I just finished the second portion of The War of Art Book. This section was all about Combating Resistance – Turning Pro. Turning pro is about commitment, its about having the drive to do something all the time and put your all into it. Professionals focus. Professionals don’t talk about their work, they quiet down and do it. They find their concentration, buckle down, to beat resistance, and create new things. Whether that’s a painting, a program, a plate of food, or a campaign. They do their work out of love. The professional also has to practice patience. They have to understand that timing is everything, and sometimes even if…

  • Praxis

    Writing for an Audience – Praxis Wednesday Response

    Last night on August 1st the Praxis Wednesday guest was Jason Feifer. He spoke on writing techniques, especially creative writing and article writing. The question of who I’m writing for has always been a challenge for me, especially while I was in school because when asked this the answer seemed to always be: the teacher, or the other student who I had to ask to edit it, and that never gave much direction. I’ve slowly learned that even if I don’t know who will find a piece of writing I’ve written and read it, I need to plan for a certain kind of reader with every piece of writing I do.…

  • Be Inspired,  Learning,  Praxis

    How I’m Breaking the Mold

    I am a Christian, and that is the most important way I’m breaking the mold. Let me fill you in on the rest now. I’m excited to utilize the education I already have while pursuing something more and something out of my comfort zone. I’ve had numerous learning experiences in my life, and I’ll always be learning. I grew up homeschooled, charter schooled, and public school, and then I went to private college. I loved college, but the further I get from my graduation, the more I realize that the experience was good, but far from perfect. I studied as a Praxis participant. Praxis is an online learning, and apprenticeship…