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    FEEcon – Friday Review

    What. A. Day! It has been so fun meeting so many people and really just meeting so many of my fellow Praxis participants for the first time in person! One of my favorite speakers today was a gentleman who composes video game and movie scores, but a close second was the gentleman who’s company created some famous video commercials. I loved hanging out with friends today and I’m so excited for another day of FEEcon. Let’s do this. #feecon2019

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    Economically Thinking

    I’m on my way to FEEcon right now. It’s a conference put on by the Foundation for Economic Education (LINK). Tomorrow I’ll give my synopsis, but today I want to talk about what I’m excited about. 1. Another unique trip. I have never been to an educational conference out of State. I’ve gone to conferences before, but nothing like FEEcon  2. Meeting more Praxians and my advisors in person. I have already met a few fellow participants in person, but none of my advisors. 3. Learning about economics in a helpful and meaningful way. I can’t wait to hear from different speakers during this event. There are great articles on…

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    Two Parts In

    A Review of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers I just watched the second part of this trilogy with students from the youth group I work with. This one was better in my opinion than the first, but also slightly harder to follow, especially since the characters were in different places. I thought the Gollum character was kind of funny and the trees were kind of endearing, except when they both were kind of annoying. Holy moly though, this one seemed scarier and more gruesome. I don’t know how much to say about this, but I definitely looked away at some parts. This one was funnier overall too,…

  • Lifestyle

    The Newer Cook in the Kitchen

    Are you learning to cook more or wanting to? Here are my thoughts as I learn a couple more dishes from my Mom, and experiment a little with food for myself before moving out. I love hotdish (or casserole) and I just made one all myself his evening for dinner for my family. I actually kind of liked making it because it’s one of my favorite kinds of dishes. That said if you’re new to cooking try an approachable dish, preferably a favorite kind of dish. Learn dishes you grew up with, and maybe try a version of your favorite restaurant dish. The other thing to remember is that there…

  • Be Inspired,  Learning,  Lifestyle,  Swing Dance,  Uncategorized

    What Have You Got To Lose?

    If you try something, apply to something, ask something etc. Often times there is a lot to lose by making a certain choice, whether that’s time, money, or resources, or maybe even relationships, but that doesn’t mean there always is, or that it outweighs the wins. When I apply for jobs I realize that sending in an application hardly hurts me. It takes a couple of minutes, and I could find my dream job. That said, I really like responding to job openings that ask for a “Google Jobs” form reply or an email reply, it allows for either a streamlined process or plenty of information and creativity. When I…

  • Tech

    Google Home Mini Review

    I got rid of my normal alarm clock a couple of years ago in favor of a phone alarm, but I had trouble with it actually waking me up. That’s when I researched to see if Google Home Minis had alarm functions. Well, they do, and it works like a charm. I got mine from my grandparents for Christmas. I took it out of the box downloaded the affiliated app on my phone and was up and running in about 10 minutes, I believe. I like that it’s so small, simple, and yet, it can be quiet or loud. I love that I can control my alarm, music, news, and…

  • Uncategorized

    Minnesota Celebrities

    It was Prince’s birthday yesterday, and I was invited to a “birthday party” of sorts. It was all about his music and life, there were a bunch of people from hist inner circles there, which was quite cool. It got me thinking about Minnesota, and our celebrities, versus other states and place. As I thought about it briefly last night, and this morning Prince, Charles Schultz, Judy Garland, Jonah Frantzich (Marais), and Adam Young of Owl City were the ones that came to mind. This diverse cast of characters is interesting to consider, the different impacts they made the different parts of the state they came from and what not.…

  • FYI,  Lifestyle

    What to do With Used Clothes

    I’ve been fortunate over the years to be given clothes, find good deals, and to have found some great pieces overall over the years. Though sometimes I wonder what to do with the stuff that doesn’t work for me anymore, whether my style has changed, or I’ve outgrown something or whatnot. So here are some ideas of where you can send clothes when you’re done Poshmark – For stuff that’s better shape and you don’t have a better place to give it. This website is easy to list on but if your stuff isn’t findable among the rest, or you can’t get good pictures it may not work, beware: you…

  • FYI,  Philosophy

    Anxiousness and Time

    I wrote the other day about being careful that time doesn’t pass before your eyes; that is, don’t wish away even seconds. But there’s another side to this: dreading various events, if you know something will come up don’t dwell on it, instead, prepare anything you need to, pray, and then keep going with your life knowing the time, and the event, will come and go. Right now I’m looking forward to an event that I was invited to by a friend, I don’t know much about what to expect, but I’m excited none the less. Here’s the thing though, I’ll have a friend there, I’ve already purchased what I…

  • Fun

    Fellowship for a Movie Night

    A Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Movie Review I just watched the first Lord of the Rings movie for the first time. It was good, but it was also very long. Holy moly, so long. But I digress. I appreciate how impressive the cinematography is and how impressive the acting and storyline are. Though I’ll admit it was hard to follow at times. I especially enjoyed learning where some famous memes and quotes came from. That was probably the most fun for me. From “One does not simply…”, to “You shall not pass!”, there are a lot of famous moments in the first movie alone, so I’m…