

Birthday/”goals for the year” post. In no particular order:



  1. Move out of my parent’s house
  2. Start an apprenticeship
  3. Finish an apprenticeship
  4. Go to New York
  5. Get my own apartment
  6. Pay off over half of my student loans
  7. Daily time with God
  8. Try a new hobby/sport/adventure and stick with it for a month
  9. Eat veggies at every lunch and dinner
  10. Save for a condo
  11. Visit 5 (or more) new states
  12. Visit a new country
  13. Learn how to cook a new dish at least once a month
  14. Read daily
  15. Skip TV/videos/movies at least once a week
  16. Take a photo every day
  17. Go to the gym at least once a week
  18. Go swing dancing at least once a month
  19. Make new friends
  20. Connect with my family at least once weekly 
  21. Avoid fast fashion
  22. Practice posture and sit up straight more
  23. Follow God in all things

As I think through the last 23 years I think of what God’s done in my life, the choices he’s put in my path and where the future can take me. I’m so thankful for everything in my life. Here’s to another year!