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What Have You Got To Lose?

If you try something, apply to something, ask something etc.

Often times there is a lot to lose by making a certain choice, whether that’s time, money, or resources, or maybe even relationships, but that doesn’t mean there always is, or that it outweighs the wins.

When I apply for jobs I realize that sending in an application hardly hurts me. It takes a couple of minutes, and I could find my dream job. That said, I really like responding to job openings that ask for a “Google Jobs” form reply or an email reply, it allows for either a streamlined process or plenty of information and creativity.

When I ask someone to swing dance or I get asked to dance, I realize that I haven’t a thing to lose. Maybe three minutes if it’s not as great of a dance. On the other hand, maybe I find a great new dance partner to connect with and learn from, and ask for more dances from.

When I try a new activity or movie with the youth group I volunteer with, especially one that they’re excited about, I realize that whether or not I enjoy every moment I get to spend time with them, learn about their likes and dislikes and maybe discover something I like, or I find out that I don’t like it and I can move on to something else new and cool!

So what have you got to win? I suppose, is the better question. Could you make a new friend, find a new hobby, a great job, connections, experience, or something else entirely?
