
Don’t Forget the Good Side of History and Culture

Often as part of getting to know someone I ask them what their favorite decade is, I enjoy hearing about what they like, and have learned from history. I also have an answer for the question so it makes for good back and forth conversation.

I love mid-century things, from music to fashion, to interior design and much of culture in general. While I’ll admit there has been a lot of wrongdoing in the past, I feel that we need to glean more from the good, as we’ve likewise, hopefully, learned from the bad.

You see I wish we had some of the culture from 70-80 years ago. I appreciate the good of that time in history.

I’ve even adapted my own style to mimic that of times gone by, it’s also part of the reason I like antiques so much.

It’s interesting to think of my older family members and before that, ancestors, living in times gone by and how they lived day to day, what past times they enjoyed with their friends, their favorite music, and yes, their favorite dances.

The music was clean for the most part, complimentary – the dancing was classy and fun. Yeah I know I’m biased as a swing dancer, but I truly see the value in it.

So inside of dwelling on the negatives of the past, see the joy in it, see the good people found in life at another time in history, see how it shaped culture for the better, and how their good ideas could shape today’s and the future’s culture for the better.