• Learning

    Learning Takes Time

    Sometimes I forget that certain lessons have taken me awhile to learn and that sometimes others still have yet to learn a lesson.  I have learned a lot in my life, but I don’t have all the answers. Often I forget about how God not only has his perfect timing for me, my learning, but others as well. It sounds almost obvious, but I’m trying to remind myself that others often will learn things in time and that often even when I was told something for the first time it was sometimes hard to grasp.  That is to say that I need to give others grace for their mistakes and…

  • FYI

    Invisible Memories

    I love being off my phone in certain moments, but I’m trying to find a balance with it because that’s where my camera is nowadays. Plus if I’m going to avoid overdoing it on souvenirs wherever I go I’m going to want pictures to go with my memories. Sometimes I have to live with invisible memories though.  Memories are important to me, its a part of every friendship and family relationship I can think of, and it makes me sad when I don’t have any physical item, photo or writing on it so I’m trying to capitalize more on the last two. This means taking a split second longer at family gatherings…