

My Dad approached me this morning and asked about how I was doing, he said I always seemed busy.

In the moment it couldn’t’ve felt further from the truth.

I’m not where I thought I’d be right now, but because I consistently do work for my Praxis program, swing dance, and volunteer at youth group among other things, my family sees business.

I want to be busier. Kinda. I want to be doing everything I can. I want to be working out to become healthier, I want to be hanging out with those I care about more, creating more, learning more, and exploring the world.

I wish I didn’t like TV and movies as much as I did, they take up too much time. You may say that everyone likes streaming shows and videos, but I also have a VCR at my disposal and I fall back on these things far more often than I want to.

This all to say that I know that God has me exactly where he wants me, and he knows the desires of my heart, and I trust His will. I don’t want to be lazy though because that’s not good either, and I want to be striving to do more exactly where I’m at.