
What Makes It Quality

There are so many brands that have low quality but there are also a ton that claim to have high quality. What’s interesting is the amount of brands that claim to have the highest quality, obviously, this has a lot to do with marketing, but some brands to go above and beyond. Plus not everyone can have the highest quality unless they’ve found their niche.

Value. It’s something I’ve learned a lot about creating myself at Praxis. What’s interesting to consider is how other businesses view and create value. Any business can say they have high quality stuff, but only a few prove it, either by having genuine reasons and/or proof of it.

Proof looks different in different situations too. From clothing and how it holds up, or how comfortable it is, to whether a device is made to last, and withstand nicks and drops, to whether an eyeshadow leaves you with a break out or leaves your skin feeling great, to food and what makes it taste better, or makes it better or worse for you.

Quality means that there is a lot of value to be found in a product or service, it means that the creators care about their craft. What also denotes quality is a good value, cheap can sometimes be fine if a product has all the quality you want.

So before you stick the words “highest quality” on your website, think about how you’ll prove it. That being said I have a lot to learn myself about how to find truly good quality products/services.