
This Little Light of Mine

If you grew up going to Sunday school you know the song: “I’m going to let it shine.” As Christians are lives are supposed to lead others to Christ. It sounds obvious, but it’s so much more than just telling people you’re a Christian. It’s about the conviction and love you have in Christ. It’s about him being the most important thing in your life. That’s hard! There are so many wonderful things that God created, and gifts He has blessed us with that it can be hard to draw the line between worshipping Him and just appreciating His work…and just worshipping the work.

I think part of what’s glorifying to God is being aware of our convictions, and repenting and turning away from sin, it shows that we respect His will for us, that we know we’re sinners, and that we strive to be more like Him. Does this always happen? No. Is it easy? Nope! Is is something we should strive for anyway? Absolutely.

All the ways we follow God and His will have ways of coming together, and glorifying Him, while hopefully being a light to others as well.