Why Not You?
I saw this question come up on the internet a while back and it got me thinking.
You see it challenges you to think not only, why would something bad not happen to you, but also why would something good not happen?
Okay its kind of hard to put into words, but stay with me. You see “why not you?” argues that they’re isn’t a good reason why the best or the worst can happen to you (outside of God’s will in your life). It argues that if you put in the work you have the potential to make great things happen, but if you trust God he can do even better things, really the best for you, in your life. It also means that you may be the person bad things happen to, from losing a job not getting to live where you want, or having an accident, its kind of
Why wouldn’t God do something amazing in your life? He has the power to do anything. Why wouldn’t God give you challenges as well if He knows you’ll be better off, or a help to someone else in the end?
So why not you? Why not me? Why not them? Well because that’s what God has in store for your life but not theirs.