
Learning Takes Time

Sometimes I forget that certain lessons have taken me awhile to learn and that sometimes others still have yet to learn a lesson. 

I have learned a lot in my life, but I don’t have all the answers. Often I forget about how God not only has his perfect timing for me, my learning, but others as well. It sounds almost obvious, but I’m trying to remind myself that others often will learn things in time and that often even when I was told something for the first time it was sometimes hard to grasp. 

That is to say that I need to give others grace for their mistakes and faults. After all you don’t have to teach a child to be bad, you have to educate them on what’s right and what’s wrong. I don’t say that to demean others but instead to show that knowing certain things don’t come naturally to anyone. 

So give grace to others and realize everyone’s life experiences have led to different kinds of learning, and that maybe you’re the person who has been put in someone’s life to teach them something, whether you’re a teacher or not