Let’s Go Saleing!
I love getting a good bargain. I love saving money on things I know I need anyway. My Mom and my best friend from high school have helped me develop up a good bargain hunter mentality. We save money this way but also shop smart.
I love looking at everything from estate sales, to garage sales, to flea markets, and thrift stores. I have found some of my favorite clothing pieces and sports equipment at these places, in addition to my beautiful china set. I have been able to buy things that I would not have been able to afford otherwise, hockey gloves, designer shoes, and again the china because I love it.
My favorite kind of resale is estate sales, these are unique to me because I get to look through what often feels like a time capsule. Many of the homes are not updated and many of the items aren’t either so it makes for a cool experience.
Now I try to limit my purchases, I try to be selective of what I buy but if I can afford something, I’ve been looking for it, and/or I know I’ll enjoy it. I tend to buy it. I have boughten many household things, necessities, as well as fun items this way. So be careful that you’re not just buying something because its a good deal, no one needs more junk in their life, and this is something I try to always be aware of.
Some people may be leery of buying used, what with the worries of how old something might be or the condition. This is when I have to be careful, but I think of how I can clean certain items, the overall condition, and the practicality of the shape something is in. That is, wall art should be in better looking aesthetic shape than a hockey stick. Be careful with how much you pay for any given item, and don’t buy thrift store knick-knacks. Otherwise
Some of my favorite money saving finds:
- Hockey gloves $1
- Hockey skates $5
- Handmade, professionally framed artwork, $3
- IKEA comfy chairs 2 for $10
- Junior year prom dress $3
- Like-new Sperry shoes $5
- Waffle iron: $2
So go forth, save money, get a few things you couldn’t afford otherwise, enjoy the hunt, and maybe even furnish your home. Happy