
Junior High Ministry

I struggled in junior high, academically, socially, etc., but I’ve learned a lot since then and I’ve been able to be a junior high youth group leader at my church, GracePoint, since I finished high school. It’s taught me a lot about leadership, helped me learn how to better express empathy, and given me great friends that I otherwise would not have. Church youth group is a place where any kid can come, whether they’ve grown up in the church or not and be loved on, and encouraged by older individuals and peers in the church to follow Jesus, and find their own path in their relationship with their Savior.

Junior High is a time of confusion, change, and some fun moments for most kids. Even the popular kids have their not so great moments. For me, junior high was the start of my public school education, as I had previously been homeschooled ie. a lot of change.

I grew up going to Sunday school and youth group was the next logically step in my faith journey at church, plus I loved it. It gave me a chance to hang out with kids my own age and be mentored by leaders who wanted to invest in me. So by the time I finished high school youth group, I quickly realized I was going to miss youth group, ridiculously. So I talked to my junior high youth pastor who is still in the position and asked him if he needed more leaders, and wanted my help. He said yes, and although I suddenly realized what I had gotten myself into, I was ecstatic.

Immediately I enjoyed talking with the students, the other leaders I was working with, and giving back to the ministry that I had gotten so much out of. We all had small groups that we led, some of us with other leaders. Over time, although our topics of discussion changed, our schedule didn’t much, and the entire youth group looked forward to Wednesday nights where there’d be games, socializing, a lesson, and small group chat time. Although the order has changed a bit more recently, kids are still excited, and so are us leaders.

Four years later, and so many small group discussions, numerous retreats and activities later, I’ve hopefully impacted some junior high lives for the better.

I try to make junior high a helpful experience for the students I’m with, and between the youth pastor’s great leadership, the other leaders part of the ministry and the unique students we’ve taught. I believe we’ve all learned something and challenged ourselves. I hope every kid can be a part of a youth group growing up!