So I Guess I’m a Philosopher?
Based on my latest Praxis lesson, I’ve been thinking about what philosophy is and what it means to study it. Based on the definitions I heard from others in the lesson, I came up with my own definition: The considering and thinking of all the possibilities and reasons for what happens in the world. It’s an imperfect, and incomplete definition, but I’m starting my first philosophy “class” this month so I’m giving myself breathing room on this. I plan to come up with something new at the class -er- month’s end. A different but equal definition of philosophy is a love of knowledge and learning. I believe I qualify for this but…
Education and Me
I’ve been through every kind of school, with perhaps one or two exceptions. All of the different experiences led to new ways of learning, and understanding the world around me better. First I was home schooled. When I was really little my family lived in the small town of Grand Marais, Minnesota, and rather than go to the tiny tiny school my Mom decided to start homeschooling me. It was simple preschool lessons the first year, and great kindergarten lessons the next. After we moved to New Brighton, we continued to home school, we had good, Christian-based curriculum, and got involved with a home school co-op for a little while…
More than Camping
For the last week of July, I decided to volunteer at camp. It’s a Bible camp called Camp Lebanon. I had interned there in college for marketing and loved every minute of it. I’ve also been to young adult retreats there. I was so happy to volunteer for the ministry that I got to work for. I also believe every kid should go to camp at least once growing up. I grew up going to camp, but technically a different one. I started going to Koronis Bible Camp from literally the beginning of my life because my entire family also grew up going to camp, and it’s a family camp so we…
How I’m Breaking the Mold
I am a Christian, and that is the most important way I’m breaking the mold. Let me fill you in on the rest now. I’m excited to utilize the education I already have while pursuing something more and something out of my comfort zone. I’ve had numerous learning experiences in my life, and I’ll always be learning. I grew up homeschooled, charter schooled, and public school, and then I went to private college. I loved college, but the further I get from my graduation, the more I realize that the experience was good, but far from perfect. I studied as a Praxis participant. Praxis is an online learning, and apprenticeship…