
The Worst Sometimes Brings Out the Best

Good old Minnesota got dumped in numerous inches of white fluffy stuff this morning. Oddly enough my morning commute to work wasn’t absolutely atrocious. It also reminded me of other snow storms and how much grace, and kindness is poured out on days like today.

I remember back in college my first year driving to school, my car was having trouble getting up the hill, suddenly one of my neighbors had walked from his driveway to my car, and just gave it a push, while I was on the gas. I got going within 30 seconds, and I made it to school fine that day.

On other snowy mornings, my family has banded together to get the driveway clear, its quite the endeavor when all four of our cars have to get on the road within 2 hours.

Even this past weekend, the church bus that the youth group I volunteer with wouldn’t start, but because of the rest of the church family, everyone got home safe. So many people worked together to make it so that the group could leave camp, get on a different bus closer to town, and then finally got home safe.

Snow and sub zero temps are not fun to deal with on the roads. But praise the Lord that he allows provisions, and gives so many people a spirit of giving in these times! So when your community is struggling with something out of your control, big or small, be ready to to what you can to make the situation better!