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    Print a Couple Pictures

    If you’re anything like me you like to take photos, digitally, on your phone, and often they stay their more than you’d like or more than you realize. I’ve found that printing at least a couple of favorites over time can be nice, whether for a selective photo book or for hanging up various options over time. We like hanging up and framing a couple photos in general to enjoy as we spend time in our home each day. That and I’ve made a few specific photo books over the years. I say this all to encourage you to enjoy the moments you’ve captured and so that you can know…

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    Casting a Pod

    So I have a podcast, it’s not big, but I’m proud of myself for taking the initiative and producing the episodes I have so far. I wanted to challenge myself to make one and host it solo. I mean I’ve had guests but it means that I make the call on who’s on the show what’s talked about etc. It also means there’s no one to “banter” with “on-air” – I have to keep the flow and monologue – unless I have a guest, and then it’s still up to me to prepare. There’s a few lessons to be gleaned from this experience. One, I don’t think podcasts need to…

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    How I’ve Refined My Organizing & Cleaning

    So if you’ve read my post on “becoming minimalit” you know that decluttering is the first step. …and honestly, that’s like half of organizing in my opinion at this point. Why? Because it cuts down on what you would otherwise need to organize. So here we go. Organizing Start with putting like with like, as much as you can, from keeping dishes and kitchen things in the kitchen, to keeping all the clothes that fit you in your closet(s), to ensuring paperwork is all together. This means you know what you have in totality. I also suggest being a bit selective with your decor. I’ll be the first to admit…