Your Life is Different From Everyone Elses
Even if you want the same results as someone else, your path probably looks different, and may take a different amount or time, that or may not even be meant to be for you.
Everyone who gets a job gets it at a different time, everyone who gets married has gotten married at a different time, everyone who is a born again Christian gets saved at a different time.
This is good, sometimes it’s not fun, but its good. You’ve probably heard it before but life would be boring if everyone was the same.
If you think you’re waiting longer than everyone else for things, realize that something may come up way sooner for you, that or you’re just better off going down a different path, maybe you’ll have an experience others couldn’t dream of, because they got something. Maybe there is something you care about that you’d miss out on if you moved to fast, or tried to take someone else’s path.
Do what you can to make things work for you, just don’t expect things to work out the way they do for others, even if they’re meant to.