• Swing Dance,  Uncategorized

    Types of (Swing) Dance

    I love learning dances. Now I want to share a list of dances and some links to helpful resources so you can know what you’re getting yourself into with various kinds of dance. I’ve included the one’s on this list as their the one’s I’ve tried at one point or another. East Coast: The easy to learn dance, that is easier to add aerials to. I’ll add that this video doesn’t show the absolute basic step, it shows some fun turns and spins thought. With easy cost and Lindy hop (below) it is said that you kind of dance into the floor, in order to balance correctly and keep the…

  • Fun


    I just got home from a short trip to North Carolina, it was great, on the plane ride home, I sat next to someone from Texas, it was a just a connecting flight, but enough time to have a nice conversation about the places we both live, and even a little bit about church. What’s funny though, to me as a Minnesotan is that when I talk about our Twin Cities, I usually end up mentioning the skyways, and forget that not many cities actually have this feature. Maybe you don’t know what I’m talking about either, allow me to explain. I tell people from around the country that Minnesota…