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The Case and Critique for Roundabouts

I’m traveling this week and I’ve found myself in an area with more round-abouts then I’m used to, but I’m not driving so I’m okay with it for the most part.

In Minnesota we don’t have many, and because they’re few and far between for the most part we’re not used to them.

These kind of road designs are conflicting just because you may have to wait a while to get into a one-lane one, or they’re multi lane and seem ridiculously dangerous.

As I was riding through one with my friend today, she expressed her frustration, and said she gets confused with them, and while we were on the roundabout we missed our turn, then I suddenly remember we could just go around again, no heading down to the next intersection and waiting to get back to the roundabout, it seems obvious but there’s usually just no reason to drive this way otherwise. We went around and knew exactly where we were going and we were thankful for the route.

So if you find yourself driving down unfamiliar paths realize there may be easy solutions to simple problems.

Oh and by the way I’m still not a huge fan of roundabouts anyway.