• Be Inspired

    When You Want to Avoid the Tough Moments

    I was watching a YouTube video from one of my favorite commentators recently. The last thing he said in the video was “Just because at some point it may hurt, it doesn’t mean that it’s not a gift, and you don’t have the right to throw it all away.” (Steven Crowder) We all go through tough moments, but we have to remember the good things as well. He was mainly talking about his dog’s cancer diagnosis. To a certain extent, I knew where he was coming from because I lost my dog, Jack, to cancer back in college. Many of us have pets, and even though it can be hard…

  • Swing Dance

    Swing Style

    So on this blog, I’ve already talked about how I got into swing dancing, and where to find dances, now I want to show you an idea of what to wear, so you’ll have even more tools for when you get to go. For Ladies: I wear skirts, and dresses 90% of the time I go swing dancing, I think it’s more fun, and usually more practical. Though sometimes it gets a little cold, especially on route to an event. I usually go with a more fitted top, with short or long sleeves and a crew or collared neckline. The shirt shown here is from Target. Keep jewelery minimal especially…