
Marketing to make Him famous

Marketers do what they do to make products, services and people famous. I should know, I’m one of them.

Oh my goodness though does this ever have to be a balance though. I want to do a great job wherever I work, and I think the balance can be most easily found in praising God through doing a good job at what we do here on Earth. If I can make a brand famous, I’ll be doing a good job for my boss, and using the gifts and talents God has given me.

This is true for any job, but marketing is special in that your goal is to make a brand and its goods look great. Part of my goal in marketing is to make my company’s, or their client’s work famous.

I want to do a good job wherever I go, not just because its the right, and good thing to do, but also because I want to, and I want to praise God through it.

This song puts it quite well, in that God is the only one we need to be known by. It’s talked about in a more personal sense but I believe its still helpful.