Written Art
Typography can be defined as “the style, arrangement, or appearance of typeset matter” by Merriam-Webster. I love writing this way, and not only does it keep me thinking about important phrases, I also end up being more creative, and focused when I’m writing this way. Creating typographic art is a great form of written analysis, and it’s creative.
Typography is a wonderful art, it can make words look like more than just letters on a page while also acknowledging the value of the words being written. It can be challenging to write, pick fonts, layout, and design. Then there’s the actual writing out of the design, and if it’s done free hand it’s hard whether it’s with a physical ink pen or on a computer screen with a digital pencil. This is because writing needs to be crisp, and a vast majority of the time, very legible. All these combined elements create a beautiful piece of work.
Often certain words or phrases are highlighted in typography. Usually chosen by the artist, often certain lines and accents are added as well to help a viewer read between the lines of what the entirety of the writing is trying to convey. Though sometimes it’s drawn in a way that just looks good
Typography is an important element in branding though is more often than not, typed out fonts. This is a different facet of the art, but one that helps consumers and businesses alike. It effectively creates a given brand’s style. This art also helps a brands styling, and that it differentiates the brand’s marketing and makes it easily recognizable.
Typography is a fascinating art form. It helps communicate a lot in all its forms from brand use, to fine art styles to literary guides.