10 Things I Learned in Europe
I went on a study abroad trip in college. It was for the majority of the month of January 2017. We went to 7 seven countries. It was amazing. The class was “the history of science in Europe” and was really interesting for me despite being a business major, plus I needed the credit to graduate. Between the content and it
As a kid, I was afraid to go anywhere without my family so I surprised myself when I realized I wanted to travel. When I found out my university, Bethel, offered the class and I was interested in and found out my friends were also. We applied and realized it was a reasonable cost and sounded like a wonderful adventure, not that it didn’t scare us a little, but we’re better for it.
- At first, when I came back I thought I liked that I didn’t have to tip in Europe, in fact, I wasn’t supposed to there. I’ve since noticed that especially since I realized that service in England was very basic, I think I actually like the American practice of tipping better, and I think servers would agree.
- Science affects every part of life, including business; although it’s a confusing field often, it’s important, but it also needs the influence of businesspeople, to help it have an effect on the world.
- Do not take gifts from strangers, they are not gifts, they are trying to convince you to buy them something or pay you back. It sounds kind of obvious but it was a new experience to have someone from another country hand me something, let me think it was out of kindness, and then demand my friends and I get them lunch. Fortunately, we found a way to give the items back and get away from that sketchy situation.
- American culture influences a lot of Europe, I heard Justin Bieber more times in Italian restaurants and stores
than I had heard it in American ones in the previous year. - Christian art is very common in Italy and the churches are gorgeous. So go to church even if it’s in Italian because it will leave you thinking none-the-less.
- Swing dancing is a subculture in Minnesota and London (among other places) and both seem to have the same practice that you can ask anyone to dance. So, at a social dance anywhere, take or make an offer for a dance, it’ll be fun.
- BMW is the Harley-Davidson of Europe as far as motorcycles go. As for cars, they have been very creative over the years.
- Take a walk by yourself in Paris and London or any new place you find yourself, you’ll find the challenge refreshing, and you’ll be able to stop when you feel like it.
- Visit the Louvre and take a photo of the Mona Lisa, but then book it to the d’Orsay museum because you’ll find more beautiful paintings there.
- Switzerland is the place to downhill ski, and Austria has beautiful mountains, and the castles you often see them from are something that can never be compared to anything in America.
Some of these are ideas I brought back with me, others were just fun observations. I hope to get back soon, but if you get there before me hopefully you’ll have an easier time. Take chances, make mistakes, and you might find yourself happier for it.