How I’m Breaking the Mold
I am a Christian, and that is the most important way I’m breaking the mold. Let me fill you in on the rest now.
I’m excited to utilize the education I already have while pursuing something more and something out of my comfort zone. I’ve had numerous learning experiences in my life, and I’ll always be learning.
I grew up homeschooled, charter schooled, and public school, and then I went to private college. I loved college, but the further I get from my graduation, the more I realize that the experience was good, but far from perfect. I studied as a Praxis participant. Praxis is an online learning, and apprenticeship opportunity. I am so glad to have set myself apart from all the people I graduated with, some may have said to go to grad school but I’m happy to have made all these experiences part of my path.
My next goal is to buy a home, rather a condo that is, my next goal is to never rent my “permanent” home. Because I lived at home during school and during Praxis while also working, I think this goal is within reach at this point. I see it as my next way to break the mold, that is instead of renting.
I plan to use my energy to the best of my ability to go against the grain of lazy and unmotivated to be passionate about the work I’m doing.
I want to break the mold, I plan to do this by taking advantage of good opportunities that come my way while also searching for chances to do things out of my comfort zone that challenge me.
I strive to break the mold while doing what’s right.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. – Romans 12:2