
Talent Swaps

My favorite part of the shoot this photo is from was that my friend Brandon (the photographer, @engelkiss) encouraged me to be more “out there” with how I presented myself on camera, from more jewelry to fresh, and fun makeup, to fun backdrops that he wanted to try. I really enjoy taking photos with friends, I think it’s a fun memory maker, as well as a chance to be creative and adventurous. Not to sound too cheesy. Even before that, he taught me some photo editing techniques, and I got to teach him some swing dance!

I think skill swaps are a great idea, not for just friends, but also networking and even family, and colleagues if it applies. Learning from people you trust and showing an interest in their talent while sharing your with them is a great way to not only make memories, but to spend time with those you appreciate and respect, plus it could give you a chance to encourage another persons hobbies, get an outside perspective on yours, and improve your abilities through having to “teach” so to speak.

Featured image credit: B.E. Imagery