• Philosophy

    Left Out

    Unless you’re ridiculously popular we’ve all been left out of something, whether intentionally or unintentionally. It’s hard. If you want to be a part of something and didn’t even get the chance to be. Social media makes this harder, I would argue. We are able to see every update that anyone we follow posts, whether it’s their lunch, homework, or a fabulous party, or a group of friends they had over for game night. I can’t imagine having social media any earlier in life. I would’ve been so frustrated with every other kid’s fun posts that I didn’t get to be a part of. Though honestly, it can be hard…

  • Philosophy

    Adopt Don’t Shop

    My family has had a cat, five hamsters, a fish, a dog, and now, drumroll please: two guinea pigs. We’ve enjoyed having pets, and although we bought the hamsters and fish at a pet store, we’re definitely of the adopt don’t shop mindset. Our cat, Tiger, was a stray we adopted. While having a family garage sale, he was meandering around the neighborhood. It was raining and we left a little makeshift bed out in the garage. We took him in and enjoyed having him as a pet, he definitely was fun to have around, and we enjoyed having him as part of our family. We had him until we…