
Phrase of the Moment

Over the last couple years I’ve noticed that I tend to pick up unique phrases, wear them out for a while and move on. By doing this I often have a built in conversation starter, and I build my vocabulary a little bit as well, not to mention other’s. 

Sometimes these phrases are from times gone by, I remember I had a week or two when I said groovy a lot. That or I’ve found a phrase that just tends to not come up in everyday speech as much, like intriguing. Another phrase was a Minnesota-ism, heck-uva-deal* that was one I just had fun with. Huzzah was a recent one and I used it just a way to sound excited about what people were saying, most appreciated the uniqueness.

Sometimes I think its the novelty of a new phrase, or because I want to have a different response than “okay”, “good”, or “sounds like a plan”. Using new words gets people 

Sometimes, I’ll admit, I have accidentally used words in the wrong context. I also remember that in middle school when I said, “intriguing” one girl was very confused by the word. That’s middle school but it’s a good reminder to be aware of so that you don’t confuse or frustrate people in general, or worse, make them feel foolish unnecessarily.  So if you plan on adopting this kind of habit be very aware of the words you’re using. 

So go forth and learn intriguing new words, its a heckuva deal, and you’ll sound pretty groovy. **

*This is honestly just the Minnesota accent phonetic spelling of heck of a deal, usually means “good deal”. **Yeah those weren’t used perfectly but oh well.