So I Guess I’m a Philosopher?
Based on my latest Praxis lesson, I’ve been thinking about what philosophy is and what it means to study it. Based on the definitions I heard from others in the lesson, I came up with my own definition: The considering and thinking of all the possibilities and reasons for what happens in the world. It’s an imperfect, and incomplete definition, but I’m starting my first philosophy “class” this month so I’m giving myself breathing room on this. I plan to come up with something new at the class -er- month’s end.
A different but equal definition of philosophy is a love of knowledge and learning. I believe I qualify for this but I am sometimes a bit optimistic about how much I know. I have a lot to learn, and I think this month will help with that.
Philosophy is something I tended to stay away from in school. I never took a philosophy class in college. Now I’m ready to take this month on and develop my own philosophy.